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Timia Art Research, coleccionismo, arte, pintura, escultura, estudio, catalogación, Old Masters

A Spring for the Old Masters

Observing the art trend of the last winter and with the arrival of spring, the Hispanic Old Masters market, has flourished the movements that have aroused the interest of the collectors.

Although we focus on the Hispanic Old Masters, this factor has been evident throughout the European and American market, echoing in different magazines and publications.

We must also take into account the magnificent results of the Tefaf Maastricht fair, where the presence of medieval and Renaissance works of art has been highly celebrated due to their high quality level and their exceptional nature, many of them unpublished and, therefore, , quite a surprise for art lovers.

Is this situation, an evidence of the return of the interest for Old Masters becoming evident as a differentiatinf element among younger collectors?

At Arte Liberata, 1937 – 1947. Capolavori salvati dalla Guerra, reality surpasses fiction.

It shows the episode of the rescue of the Italian artistic heritage at risk of being bombed, deliberately destroyed by German troops and plundered by Adolf Hitler, Herman Göring and their henchmen.

At a time when it is so fashionable to get out of the comfort zone, Arte Liberata, 1937 – 1947. Capolavori saved from the Warheld at Le Scuderie del Quirinale in Rome, makes available to the general public, artistic, documentary, photographic and audiovisual testimonies that show one of the rawest episodes of contemporary Italian and European history.

In an era of immediacy, over-information and collective unrest, where there is no time for individual reflection or sensory perception, it is essential to generate meeting spaces for reasoning and understanding.

Timia Art Research, estudio, catalogación, Obra de Arte, coleccionismo, asesoría, gestión

The study and cataloguing of the Works of Art is synonymous of valuation, qualification and appreciation, towards a Patrimonial Good.

Timia Art Research, colección de arte, investigación, catalogación

Why an Art Collection.

Making art an element of our daily life is one of the most enriching objectives that a person who loves this universe can achieve.

Timia Art Research, coleccionismo, arte, pintura, escultura, estudio, catalogación, Old Masters
Timia Art Research, coleccionismo, arte, pintura, escultura, estudio, catalogación, Old Masters